About the IBEW
Local 46 observes the IBEW Constitution, but it also has its own organic set of local rules which guide the organization above and beyond the IBEW Constitution.
These sets of rules are called Local Bylaws. Bylaws are created, maintained and amended by Local 46 members at Union meetings. Changes to bylaws must be approved by the International Office and cannot contradict the IBEW Constitution.
Local 46 members elect their own officers from the rank and file members. Elections for Local 46 officers are held every three (3) years. Members elect a Business Manager and Financial Secretary, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, five (5) Exam Board Members, and five (5) Executive Board Members.
Each Unit also has the opportunity to elect its own officers among Unit members.
The IBEW internationally represents approximately 750,000 electrical workers in every branch of the electrical industry. Since its founding in 1891, the IBEW has dedicated itself to the well-being of electrical workers and their families and the achievement of continued progress on their behalf.
But how do we accomplish this ambitious task? The simple answer is: member involvement on a grassroots level. Our success is directly aligned with the hard work and dedication of our members. A few cannot do it alone and this is why we came together to form a Union in the first place.